Sunday, December 2, 2012

Hurting or Helping?

Is technology causing me to lose as much as I gain? That question can be translated and interpreted in many different ways. In my opinion that statement means is the use of technology gonna benefit us in the long run or hurt us? The benefits of technology is that we get to speak and talk to anyone at any point in the day. It could be through text message, email, facebook, twitter, myspace, ball player connect, POF (Plenty of Fish), blogs, or the most obvious with phone calls. A lot of people use technology to catch up with friends who live across the country or just to talk to someone important. With the new advancements in technology schools are even starting to put assignments and classes online, which makes students use technology even more. I do not think the use of technology for academic reason will hurt humans only benefit them because they are learning and looking up stuff to learn about via Internet. The way it can hurt us is if we get distracted easily doing homework or in classes with the Internet or smart phones. The main way technology will harm us is through face to face communication. No one will know how to handle a real conversation. An example of this is going to a job interview and freezing or not knowing how to be professional because you are so used to the phone. Technology does alot of bad for people  but also does wonders. In the long run technology may hurt us but it will also help us more then we will ever know.

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